Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 5: Day 35

Day 35:  Wine

Ingredient List:
  • Your choice of wine
  • Bottle opener
  • Glass (Optional)

  1. Get in your car, and head to your favorite supplier of adult beverages.
  2. Find the wine section, or if you're a frequent shopper, just head right over because you know exactly where you're going.
  3. Choose your poison.
  4. Head to the counter and pay.  Make idol chitchat with the clerk because for some reason you always feel weird when they put the bottles in a brown paper bag.  *Sidenote:  (This is the conversation that plays in my head at the counter when I am making my purchase) Why do they do that?  Are they trying to point out that you've been in here too many times this week and may have a problem?  Just because drunk homeless people keep their adult beverages in brown paper bags doesn't me I have too!  Jeez, quit judging me!
  5. Jump in the car and make a mental note to go somewhere else next time.  Head home.
  6. Open the gadget drawer and get out the wine bottle opener.
  7. Place screw in cork and turn until it's in and the arms are up on the opener.
  8. Press arms down to release cork.
  9. Optional:  Pour into glass.
  10. Enjoy!

"I can still eat it if the dog licked it, because technically their mouths are cleaner than a humans, right?"

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