Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 13: Spring

We received these metal figurines almost 12 years ago for a wedding gift.  They always reminded me of Adam and Eve!  What better way to kick off my week of spring than with Adam and Eve and their garden of Eden!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

My favorite food are pickles, but not just any kind of pickles.  They MUST BE Claussen!  You might even occasionally catch me drinking the juice right out of the jar!  YUMMY!

My love for pickles has even gotten me in trouble at school!  One time in 1st grade I stole pickles off of a friend's lunch tray at school.  Her mom was so mad, she called my mom and I got in trouble!  YIKES!  Just be forewarned, don't come between me and pickles or you might lose an arm!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

I suppose it goes without saying that my favorite nail polish is Fresh Frog of Belair by OPI.  When the newest Muppet movie was released, OPI released a whole Muppet Collection.  My collection is of course complimented by Davine Swine, Gettin' Miss Piggy With It, Gone Gonzo, and Rainbow Connection.

I was shocked to see that my Rainbow Connection is going for up to $34.00 a bottle!  I didn't even pay that much for my whole collection!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

So this is the one and only picture my hubby has ever drawn/colored for me!  It's one of my favorite pieces of art work in this house!  It hangs in my office where I see it everyday along with my other favorite pieces from each our kids!  

It amazes me how our memories become tied to music or art.  If this picture could talk to anyone else but me, it would have quite a few great memories to share!  But for now, those I'm going to keep those memories between me, my picture, and my Frog Prince!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

So anyone that knows anything about me, knows I LOVE and NEED organization in my life!  I love when things are put in their proper place, evenly spaced, and forward facing!  I want to open the fridge and know what I have in there!  We don't have a lot of storage space so we try to keep things minimal.  If we are only going to use it once or twice a year, we really don't need it!

And yes, the closets are organized by season and color.  Long sleeves on the top row, left to right in the following color order:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, brown, and white.  Short sleeves on the bottom row in the same fashion.

I don't like chaos and the problems that chaos brings with it.  Now I'm not a super freak about it, but for me I feel like if my house is in order, it's easier to keep the rest of the things in my life in order too, like relationships, my marriage, being a mom, etc.  It's not easy to get organized, but once I did, it makes keeping it much easier and things run much more smoothly around here.  I'll postpone a little laundry to play outside with the kids, or if I know that it's going to be nice, I'll get it done ahead of time.

It has taught the kids how to take care of their things; our games and puzzles have their pieces, and believe it or not, the only reason why we might be missing a piece here or there is because the dog really did eat it!  Being organized has allowed up to spend more time together as a family and that time is very enjoyable.

*Sidenote:  We find our kids don't ask for a lot of those impulse buys because they don't want the responsibility of constantly having to put things away.  We get a sense for the things they really want and will take care of when they ask more than once.  It makes me feel proud of my kids when their teachers give them added responsibility because they know they can handle it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

For those of you who may not know, I LOVE frogs and Kermit the Frog.  Now I am not one for knick-knacks and those types of things, but I like them and if there is something I need, I might choose a frog pattern over flowers.

I grew up watching the Muppet Show.  It's still one of my favorites.  I used to have all of the Muppet Movies on VHS, but have not updated to DVD's as they are extremely hard to find!  I even went to the extreme and bought a phone case for a phone I hope to own in a couple of weeks!  YIKES!

I love the wide mouth frog that sets by the kitchen sink!  It's a great holder for rings, watches, and chapstick.  This little guy has been around for quite some time!  I would love to find another for our bathroom, so I suppose a trip to the local thrift store is in order.

My frog slippers are one of my MUSTS!  They are super comfy and warm!    Nothing makes me happier than wearing my slippers, covered up in my frog fleece blanket, reading a great book on the Kindle, and drinking a cup of hot coffee.

My grocery bags of course are not only "Green" but they are green. :)  It's not easy being green but I try!

A few years ago a received the little frog with the long legs from my Uncle and Aunt for my birthday.  He hangs on our ceiling fan cord.  Izzy used to lay and stare at it.  Now when she is on the bed she always  asks if she can "dingle the dinglers".  So she gently dingles his legs to make the wind chime noise.

And lastly is the cool mist humidifier.  Nothing like cool mist from a frog that makes a sinus infection feel better!  The kids even enjoy this little fella from time to time.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

Day 80
I LOVE to read!  I will read anything I can get my hands on!  When I start a book, it's hard for me to put it down for any length of time.  I was very hesitant about a book reader because I LOVE the smell of an old book...musty, dusty, and sour.  Weird, I know.

However, buying the Kindle was one of the best investments ever!  It's so small and light I can take it anywhere.  The best part is... I can even read outside without the glare of a computer screen!  This has to be one of the best inventions ever!

There are few things better in life than curling up with a great book and a hot cup of perfectly brewed coffee!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 12: All About Me

So today is my birthday!  I always look forward to my birthday because my kids make the best homemade cards and gifts!  I am always amazed at their creativity!  Jason doesn't normally buy me big gifts on my birthday, but this year he really splurged and bought me a new laptop!  Just when I didn't think it could get much better it does!

March 18th is normally an overcast cloudy rainy or snowy day!  This year it was almost 80 degrees!  When I say best birthday ever, IT REALLY WAS!