Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 11: Spring Break

First Day at Mount Olympus
We arrived at Mount Olympus and the Hotel Rome a little after 4pm today.  It seemed to take FOREVER to check in, but we managed. 

After loading up the  luggage cart, we headed up to our second floor room.  The kiddos were super excited to see our room!  I too was quite amazed at the size!  We had 2 queen beds, a set of bunkbeds, a fridge, a wet bar, and a tiny t.v. (the t.v. was probably normal sized, but placed in such a large room it looked tiny!)

We hardly walked in the door and the kids had claimed the bunkbeds and started "forting" them out!  After unloading and unpacking, we walked around the hotel, the water park, and the amusement park.  The kids were pretty excited and were debating on where to start first!

Looks like it's going to be a great vacation!

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