Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 4: Day 25, Wednesday

  • 6:30am:  Alarm goes off.  I'm just not ready to get up.  After the dog issues last night, I didn't get much sleep! 
  • 7:00am:  Kids up and getting breakfast.  I REALLY don't want to make lunch again today, so I talk them into eating hot lunch at school!
  • 7:15am:  Coffee is made finally!  Take a couple of sips, and get the last load out of the dryer and get it folded.
  • 7:30am:  Taking the sheets off of our bed and geting them into the washer.  Put clean sheets on the bed.  (I am so looking forward to sleeping in the clean sheets!  There is truly nothing like it.)
  • 7:45am:  Get myself dressed and ready for the gym.  Frantically trying to locate everything I need.  Get Izzy dressed, which doesn't go well this morning.
  • 8:10am:  Load everyone into the van.  Get all of my stuff into the van, which includes a hot cup of coffee!  Head to school.
  • 8:20am:  Get everyone to school, in just the nick of time!  Head to the gym.
  • 8:25am:  I really hate parking to the right!  For some reason I just can't judge the distance.  So I attempted to park within the yellow lines 3 times before I am evenly spaced.  I should have just moved to a different spot, but this one was SOOO close to the door!
  • 8:35am:  Get checked in at the gym and take Izzy to the daycare.  Get her all situated, grab my workout towel and head upstairs.
  • 8:40am:  Get my shoes and bandanna on and begin setting up for today's workout!  It was the "The Dirty 30".  Which is 30 reps of the following:
    • Wall Balls
    • Kettlebell Swings
    • Box Jumps
    • Jumping Pull ups
    • High Pulls or One Arm Swings
    • Push ups
    • Dumb Bell Sit up & Press
    • Hang Clean Push Press
    • Burpees
  • 9:20am:  Start "Dirty 30".  Holy cow, this is a TON of shoulder work.  Time I get to the burpees, my left shoulder is completely cramped up!  OUCH!
  • 10:30am:  Pick up Izzy from the daycare and head home.
  • 10:45am:  Arrive home, help Izzy out of her clothes and finish up yesterday's pictures and post.  Unfortunately things are not working on Blogger like I want, so I have to import pictures a different way, which takes entirely way too much time!
  • 11:30am:  Get Izzy and I some lunch.
  • 12:00pm:  Kitchen cleaned up, Izzy playing with blocks, and me heading to the shower.
  • 12:30pm:  Out of the shower and hear some commotion.  The dog was on the bar counter, which she had jumped from the table to the bar stool to the counter and ate the leftovers that I was going to make for dinner.  Called Jason and complained, he listened, and we decided it would be pizza for dinner.  SILVER LINING!
  • 1:00pm:  Izzy and I are dressed and heading out the door to pick up a couple of things at West Music that Maison needs before his concert tonight.  Talked with Jason and he set up a vet appointment for Friday and also got some info on dogs with eating disorders!  I have never seen a dog eat like Danni.  It's absolutely insane.  She will literally eat so much, it comes out the other end!
  • 2:00pm:  Leave Coralville and head back to North Liberty, stopping off at Fareway to get more cereal and milk.  Picked up a couple of impulse items as well.
  • 2:45pm:  Head over to Penn to pick up the kids.  They are really slow getting out today.
  • 3:05pm:  Arrive home.  Get everyone unloaded and inside.  Bring garbage cans and recycling bin back into the garage.
  • 3:10pm:  Help Libby with homework, help Maison get his brace on his viola, manage to get Izzy's pants off and a pull-up on while she remained sleeping, put groceries away, and reminded Maison to work on homework.
  • 4:15pm:  Ordered pizza for dinner.  Helped Maison with homework, updated blog for today.
  • 4:50pm:  Pizza here!  Everyone at the table ready to chow down!
  • 5:15pm:  Clean up kitchen, wash dishes by hand since I forgot to run dishwasher.  Help Maison pick out something to wear for his first orchestra concert.
  • 6:00pm:  Get everyone else ready to go, fix my pony, let the neighbor's dog out one last time.
  • 6:30pm:  Poochies in their kennel and everyone loaded up to go to Maison's concert.
  • 6:50pm:  Arrive at West High School, find a place to park and head in.
  • 7:00pm:  Maison up on stage, tuning his viola.  Grammy Shari, Papa Ed, Jason, Libby, Izzy, and I patiently waiting for the concert to begin.
  • 7:10pm:  Eyes welling up with tears of joy!
  • 8:40pm:  Concert is over.  3 songs each played by 4th, 5th, 6th, and Junior High students.  It was amazing to see where they start in 4th grade and what they sound like only 3 years later!  CRAZY!
  • 9:05pm:  Everyone home, heading in and getting jammies on.
  • 9:20pm:  All bedroom doors closed, kids hopefully falling asleep, Jason reading his nightly Cyclone Fanatic Boards, and I hopefully dosing off soon!  Here's to hoping I'm not too sore tomorrow! 

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